Donate Now
The arts are vital to helping young people thrive, both in and out of the classroom. Arts education helps students develop their problem solving, creative thinking, teamwork, and perseverance. These essential skills benefit every child and make our communities stronger.
We know that for many children, access to arts education is limited by their family's financial situation and by budget constraints in their schools.
But you can make a difference!
You can help a child experience transformative arts education with a donation today.
Monthly Giving
Become a friend of KCYA through Monthly Giving! Your ongoing support can provide arts education experiences for students all year round.
If you have any questions, please contact Ellen King at eking@kcya.org or 816.499.8052

We have learned that everyone has their own style of learning. Studies have shown a direct correlation between arts participation and the success of students. By supporting KCYA, you will be giving children the opportunity to experience the arts and helping close the academic gap.

Thank you for opening a window to the arts for
KCYA students.
The Legacy Society
“One generation plants the trees, another gets the shade.”
– Chinese Proverb
Kansas City Young Audiences (KCYA) honors every planned gift donor with membership in The Legacy Society. We invite you to become a member of The Legacy Society, created exclusively to honor and recognize people who have helped to continue arts education for the next generation through a gift to KCYA in their wills, trusts or estate plans. Your gift will be recognized publicly, unless you prefer to give anonymously.

Legacy Society Members
Robert P. Lyons
Heidi & Nelson Nast
Lenny & Jerry Berkowitz
Bill & Peggy Lyons
Jeannette T. Nichols
Sybil Kahn
Steve Metzler
Katie Wendel
Join The Legacy Society
Members of The Legacy Society have expressed their commitment to KCYA through a very special form of financial support. If you have already arranged for a bequest or other planned gift, we would like to honor your support. Please notify us and become a member. If you have not made a decision, please consider KCYA as the ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift.
Membership Benefits
Your membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it may inspire generosity in others.
Benefits of membership in The Legacy Society also include acknowledgement at annual luncheons, invitations to special events and a subscription to our e-newsletter.
The most important benefit you will receive from joining The Legacy Society is the satisfaction derived from making a lasting impact on your community.
Contact us at 816.531.4022 or email lgamble@kcya.org to get started.
Only through learning can the next generation build our future and shape our community.
Community Arts Support Team (CAST)
Why join CAST?
Because you care about children, education and the arts.
Because you want to contribute to this worthwhile mission.
Because you'll get to observe fantastic artists teaching great programs.
Because you'll get to see children having truly enriching arts experiences.
Because the schedule is flexible.
Because we need you!

Volunteer Opportunities
KCYA Board directed committees
Special Events Committee: work with other volunteers and KCYA staff to assist in planning and implementing one or more special events, raising both funds and awareness.
Marketing Committee: work with other volunteers and KCYA staff to develop and implement an integrated marketing/communications/public relations campaign highlighting the KCYA Brand and program impact
Facilities Committee: advise KCYA Board and staff on facilities issues, including maintenance, repair/replace schedules, landscaping, etc.
Community School of the Arts (CSA) Committee
Dance and Theatre Performances (January, May, July) - Volunteers can distribute flyers and brochures, take photos, sell or serve snacks, and welcome guests.
Fundraising Committee (ongoing) - Plan and implement projects to support CSA scholarships
First week of classes (January, June, September) - Give building tours to new students/families
A KCYA Advocate creates greater awareness of KCYA programs. Advocates can:
Provide feedback on programs delivered in schools
Represent KCYA at community events
Help identify new friends
Please call 816-531-4022 to learn more.